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Read the latest about our journey
George Barker Large
Apr 30, 2024
Graduate Programme: First Months at Sulmara
George's journey from interview to first deployment in Houston, Texas
Gemma Davies Updates Image Large
Mar 8, 2024
Navigating the Offshore: Gemma's Journey
A conversation with Gemma on the impact of women and opportunities in offshore careers
Oceanology International Oceanology International London 12–14 March 2024
We will be hosting three Discussion Panels on ways to improve Offshore Windfarm Development. Join us on stand C100 or in the Ocean Futures Theatre
IPF IPF. Business Network for Offshore Wind Partnering forum 23 – 25 April 2024
We are delighted to be attending IPF 24 in the historic New Orleans and look forward to some interesting discussions.
Energy Taiwan Energy Taiwan 2023 18 - 20 October 2023
We are delighted to be attending the Energy Taiwan 2023 in association with British Chamber of Commerce and Trade
KOWHS 2023 Korea Offshore Wind and Hydrogen Summit (KOWHS) 23 - 24 October 2023
We are delighted to be attending the second Korea Offshore Wind and Hydrogen Summit in Seoul.
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